Item number LX-001+SKIN

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Our classic as a new edition with many improvements!
The Lucx “Lion” is a very high quality fishing/carp tent, yet affordable. See for yourself the really outstanding quality.

  • “One pole system” - this means that each end of the tent's rod frame is equipped with hard rubber inserts. This reduces friction between the rod and rubber cord and thus guarantees an enormous service life.
  • very fast, simple, smooth assembly due to improved connectors
  • There are 2 velcro strips directly on the canopy/umbrella of the tent, which are excellent for securing a fishing rod.
  • A large door and large windows, which are fitted with a dark mosquito net, provide even better comfort. However, these can also be extended with a transparent coating to protect yourself from rain, for example.
  • The door and window can be completely darkened or half opened with the help of a roller blind and velcro fastener.
  • heralmalable groundsheet with velcro fasteners
  • can be used as a 1 or 2 man tent
  • 2 large windows with mosquito net on the back
  • wind, snow and water resistant thanks to coated outer material
  • very easy to clean
  • Hooks in the tent provide ample options for attaching bulbs.
  • A carry bag allows for convenient and convenient transportation.
  • sufficiently high-quality tent pegs ensure a secure hold of the tent. Thanks to the “thread system”, these tent pegs can be firmly anchored even in hard subfloors.
  • All seams are sealed/sealed with special tape to prevent water/moisture ingress
  • high-quality seams, reinforced again in highly stressed areas
  • Aluminum frame system (bow tensioner)
  • ultralight and very robust 4-piece aluminium frame construction with 19 mm diameter, with rubber insert
  • Large, durable zippers allow quick and secure opening/closing
  • a high-quality water, snow and cold resistant cover with coated outer material

Package contents at a glance:

  • Tent incl. aluminium pole
  • high-quality Lucx throw, perfectly matched to this tent (same number of windows)
  • very robust tent floor
  • Entrance rain cover
  • sufficient tent pegs
  • high quality carry bag
  • Free rubber mallet

Note: The loungers are not included in the delivery!

Technical data

Tent Material Properties:

  • 210D PU Nylon
  • waterproof, hydrostatic fabric
  • Water column 10,000 mm

Flysheet Material Properties:

  • high-quality 210D fabric with PU coating
  • waterproof, hydrostatic fabric
  • Water column 10,000 mm (in combination with tent + flysheet up to 20,000 mm!)

Tent Dimensions and Weight:

  • Length: 280 cm
  • Width: 310 cm
  • Height: 145 cm 
  • Transport size: 103 x 23 x 22 cm
  • Weight: 8.95 kg

Color: Olive Green

Flysheet Dimensions and Properties:

  • Length: 280 cm
  • Width: 310 cm
  • Height: 145 cm
  • Transport size: 50 x 23 x 22 cm
  • 2 windows in the front and 2 windows in the back
  • Weight: 3.3 kg
  • Color: Olive Green

Questions/comments about the product

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