Item number LX-450+SKIN

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Here we offer you a very high quality Lucx fishing tent/umbrella tent at a top price-performance ratio.

Now with the improved umbrella bow system - with a much shorter spider for ultimate headroom!

  • high quality waterproof and hydrostatic outer material (210D PU nylon)
  • Hydrostatic head: 10,000 mm
  • double coated seams
  • Mosquito nets (roll up) in front of windows, door and back
  • 3 PRAM support frames provide more tension in the screen
  • 2 fronts (1 mosquito front and 1 closed front with windows) for perfect temperature adjustment
  • much smaller umbrella spider for significantly more headroom with removable rod for simplified assembly
  • Double zip system so it is possible to install both fronts at the same time
  • 1 PVC clear window for the window in the front of the tent for heavily rainy days
  • All seams are sealed/sealed with special tape to prevent water/moisture ingress.

Package included:

  • Umbrella tent (lightweight and very sturdy aluminum construction; quick to set up and take down)
  • 2 removable fronts (1 mosquito front and 1 closed front with windows)
  • removable base (easy to remove thanks to Velcro system and therefore quick to clean)
  • sufficient pegs for the umbrella tent including floor
  • 4 stormpoles/stormpoles
  • comfortable carry bag for the umbrella tent
  • extra carrying case for the pegs
  • 1 PVC transparent window
  • “Easy set-up” rod (for simplified assembly) can be unscrewed

High quality weatherproof overwrap for a fishing tent/umbrella tent, such as the Lucx “weasel” brolly.
With a window at the front and back of the throw, you have the option of optimally ventilating the brolly.
Clear windows are included for both windows, so you can enjoy the view even when it rains.

  • high quality waterproof and hydrostatic outer material (210D PU nylon)
  • Hydrostatic head: 10,000 mm
  • double coated seams

Package included:

  • throw
  • a matching carry bag
  • a set of pegs incl. bag
  • 2 clear windows

Technical data

Measurements & Weight:- Length: 240 cm- Width: 275 cm- Height: 150 cm- Umbrella size: 60 inches- Transport size: 178 x 16 x 16 cm- Weight: 9.6 kgColor: Olive GreenMeasurements Cover:- Length: 240 cm- Width: 275 cm- Height: 150 cm

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